Implementing Tunisia’s climate targets

Setting up institutional capacities for NDC implementation in Tunisia

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), International Climate Initiative (IKI)

  • Country
  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2019 to 2023

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources



The Paris Agreement aims to keep the global average temperature rise well below 2°C degrees and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 °C . In order to achieve this goal together, each country has defined its own nationally determined contribution (NDC) to combat climate change.

In 2021, Tunisia pledged in its updated NDC to reduce its carbonintensity (emissions relative to gross domestic product) by 45 per cent by 2030.

The NDC’s implementation and the Paris Agreement require clearly defined structures and processes in the Tunisian Ministry of the Environment and the relevant sector authorities. The Tunisian Government has therefore established, by decree, a dedicated climate unit within the Ministry of the Environment.


The Tunisian Government is successfully implementing its nationally determined contribution (NDC) and related commitments under the Paris Agreement.



The project supports the Tunisian Ministry of the Environment, the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME), and representatives from other relevant sectors in implementing the NDC.

The project helps to develop the climate unit within the Tunisian Ministry of the Environment. This unit is responsible for steering NDC implementation and reporting to the UN Climate Change Secretariat.

In addition, the project works with the relevant sector authorities on building up a transparency system and improving their monitoring, reporting and verification systems for greenhouse gas emissions and climate action.

The project provides training courses for Tunisian experts to improve their climate finance skills and supports them in developing projects eligible for financing.

By participating in training courses and international exchange, the Tunisian Government shares its experiences and findings from the NDC implementation process at international events. The Tunisian delegation helps to shape action to tackle climate change in the UN climate negotiations.

Last update: January 2023

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