Promoting an environmentally friendly, social and competitive textile and clothing industry in Asia
Promoting Sustainability in the Textile and Garment Industry in Asia (FABRIC II)

The textile industry is a key sector of the economy in many Asian countries and, depending on the country, accounts for up to 80 per cent of export income. Although these countries have very different framework conditions, they face the same challenges: ensuring decent conditions for workers and reducing environmental impacts.
To create a socially just and environmentally friendly industry, while at the same time remaining competitive in the long term, production companies, business associations, the relevant ministries, trade unions, civil society and international fashion brands need to intensify their cooperation.
Key stakeholders in the Asian textile and clothing industry are cooperating more closely to improve production conditions and reduce the sector’s environmental impact.

The project enhances the regional dialogue between relevant actors in the industry. At conferences and digital seminars, they are able to exchange ideas and discuss the topic of environmentally friendly and socially equitable textile supply chains.
In addition, the project incorporates the position of producers into the international discourse. It achieves this goal through the first inter-Asian network of manufacturers’ associations ‘Sustainable Textile of the Asian Region’ (STAR) and the Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI).
To share relevant knowledge in the region, the project partnered with the International Labour Organization (ILO) to establish the digital knowledge platform ‘Asia Garment Hub’. This platform offers targeted information and knowledge products on topics related to an environmentally friendly and socially equitable textile and clothing industry.
Moreover, the project collaborates with international brands, global initiatives and local production facilities to foster environmentally friendly and resource-efficient production methods, while also improving working conditions.
Last update: June 2023