Support for skills development centres in Eritrea
Project description
Title: Improving informal careers options
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Eritrea
Lead executing agency: Ministry of National Development
Overall term: 2017 to 2020

Eritrea’s economy is primarily based on agriculture, light manufacturing and the service sector. Around 80 per cent of Eritreans live in rural areas and earn their living through arable and livestock farming. There is high unemployment in the cities. Vulnerable population groups in particular have only limited options for taking up employment. Examples of such groups are young single mothers, people with minor physical disabilities and young people who are already the head of their household. Many of these young people have left school early, which means that they fail to meet the eligibility requirements to attend vocational education institutions. They also have few opportunities to gain practical skills in an informal setting, which would allow them to build a life for themselves.
The conditions for building a life and generating income are improved for vulnerable population groups.

The project cooperates closely with the local administrations, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and church-based agencies (such as Don Bosco). In this context, the main focus of the project is on renovating skills development centres and equipping them with machines, tools and work materials. It also provides support with drawing up curricula, providing teaching materials and training teaching staff.

- By July 2019, around 1,400 young people had completed training. 41 per cent of the graduates were men and 59 per cent were women.
- Of these 1,400 young people, approximately 700 completed a training course in ‘Basic knowledge for setting up a company’ and received a ‘start-up kit’.
- Another 160 young people were able to receive a qualification by October 2019.
- Graduates of a course in ‘Fisheries and repair of fishing nets’ at the skills development centre in Massawa receive support from the Ministry of Fisheries in setting up a business.