Modernising vocational training for renewable energies
Project description
Title: Vocational training in the sector of renewable energies and energy efficiency in Côte d’Ivoire
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Côte d’Ivoire
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Technical and Vocational Training and Apprenticeship
Overall term: 2019 to 2022

The Government of Côte d’Ivoire intends to expand its electricity generation capacities significantly by 2030. This includes increasing the proportion of renewable energies – the aim is a total of 42 per cent, of which 16 per cent will be outside the major hydroelectric power sector. A further goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 28 per cent by 2030. However, the current share of renewable energies in the energy mix is less than one per cent.
A lack of incentives is a major factor in the weak market development in the energy sector to date. Local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) receive too little support and only have limited access to funding. Some 80 SMEs with 970 employees currently offer electricity from renewable energy sources. However, they have limited expertise and weak association structures. The demand for green energies and services is also low, partly due to subsidised electricity prices. So far, energy policy has not focused on climate policy, which would be an additional driver for market development.
The demand for labour in the solar power and biomass sectors is expected to increase to an estimated 8,000 to 13,000 people by 2030. The Government therefore wishes to enable young people to enter the labour market, and to develop practical training together with the private sector to achieve this. However, the performance of teaching staff, especially at public schools and universities, is in need of improvement. Women are also clearly under-represented in technical training courses.
Increased specialised local technical expertise and management skills are available on the market for renewable energies and energy efficiency in Côte d’Ivoire.

The project is part of the reform partnership between the Government of Côte d’Ivoire and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) within the G20 Compact with Africa initiative.
The project is cooperating with the Ministry of TVET, the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Environment and is implemented in several areas:
- The project aims to strengthen the skills of teachers at vocational schools and universities, enabling them to act as multipliers for the dissemination of practical skills.
- It gives vocational schools and universities organisational advice to ensure continuous alignment between vocational training and market development.
- The programme supports dialogue platforms between the private sector and training organisations to increase networking between the two fields.
- In terms of market development, energy audits in relevant selectors will lead to new projects. Banks will also be strengthened in their capacities to evaluate projects in the energy sector.
Ministries, training institutions and the private sector regularly work together in exchange forums. To date, three cross-sectoral formats have been set up. In 2020 a total of 45 companies cooperated with training institutions.
A total of 37 trainers in vocational schools and businesses have received training in photovoltaics, energy efficiency and soft skills. The project is currently supporting three public vocational training centres in developing their service portfolio. Renewable energies and energy efficiency are being systematically and transversally integrated into the training curricula for professions in the industrial and construction sectors. More than 100 girls in the three training institutions have been made aware of their role in male-dominated professions.
Some 400 professionals, including 69 women from 76 companies (55 SMEs) have received training. A total of 42 SMEs have confirmed an improvement in their skills in sales, installation and project development.

Awareness-raising events about renewable energy and energy efficiency have reached more than 500 participants in face-to-face formats and 2,630 in virtual formats.
To date, this project has supported 20 diagnostics and nine energy audits in hotels and agricultural production facilities to identify potential for renewable energies or improved efficiency. The results will be used to set up pilot projects together with local SMEs.
Last updated: May 2021