The relocation process begins with mental preparation. Our job is to ensure that you are fully prepared for your assignment abroad before you even board the plane and are also there for you afterwards.
Skills4Abroad at GIZ’s Academy for International Cooperation in Bonn-Röttgen
Campus Kottenforst is located in lush green surroundings on the outskirts of Bonn. You will be learning, living and relaxing side by side with other international cooperation professionals, sharing your thoughts on your future role, and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead in the country of assignment.
In its current and earlier forms, GIZ’s Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) has been running trainings preparing staff for assignments abroad for over 60 years on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Our role is to ensure that employees seconded abroad by their organisations have the skills they need to work in international cooperation.
Our offer is designed to prepare experts and managers for the specific challenges they will face as well as to support them during their assignment. That includes learning how to stay safe, how to manage tricky intercultural situations, and how to communicate clearly and confidently in the local language. At the end of your preparation, you will have acquired all the skills you need to work effectively and sustainably in your partner country and to help bring about positive change. Our programme is open to participants for up to 2 years after their departure and many of our training offers are also available digitally.
You can find more information about our offer in our current scheduling overview 2024 (English trainings), the programme catalogue 2024 (English) and our flyer “Going abroad with your partner or children“.
You can already find an overview of our trainings in English for the year ahead under Schedule Overview 2025.