A lady stands smiling in a hairdressing salon.

Promoting fair labour migration and reintegration after return

Centres for Migration and Development (ZME)

Two men screw cables together while a woman watches on.


The world has more than 281 million migrants who live in a country other than the one in which they were born. The majority of these people, numbering approximately 169 million, leave their country to secure their livelihood elsewhere through employment. These migration flows offer considerable potential for development in the countries of origin and destination and for migrants themselves. Safe, orderly and regular migration can make a key contribution to sustained development.


State and non-state cooperation partners are able to provide needs-based and effective support for people engaging in regular migration to Germany, Europe and within their region for work and training purposes as well as for reintegration after return.

A woman sits opposite someone and fills out documents with them.


Centres for Migration and Development exist in the cooperating countries. They act as advisory centres for people wishing to migrate to Germany, Europe or within their region via regular channels so as to work or continue their education outside of their country. The centres also advise people who have returned from Germany, Europe or other countries and need support with reintegration locally.

The advisory services enable people to make informed and conscious decisions on migration. In addition, the centres provide anyone interested in migrating with information on specific measures geared to preparing individuals for regular migration for work or training purposes.

Measures to which the centres draw candidates’ attention include:

  • vocational education and training to enable people to use the existing pathways for regular migration
  • pre-integration, for example through language courses offered by third parties
  • support for returnees with regard to looking for work or setting up a company
  • psychosocial support

In Ghana, Morocco and Egypt, the European Union helps to fund the centres.

Five men in helmets and protective goggles in discussion alongside solar panels.

Last update: August 2023

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