Representatives from BMWK and NEA stand and sit together for a photo. © NEA

Supporting intergovernmental climate and energy partnerships

Support for bilateral climate and energy partnerships in developing countries and emerging economies


Global energy supply structures are changing fundamentally: wind power, photovoltaics and hydrogen are becoming more important, and new trade relations are forming as a result. The climate and energy partnerships of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) facilitate regular dialogue between Germany and important energy-producing, transit and consumer countries. They are the platform for trading with climate-friendly energy sources. They also focus on exchanging technology and making supply chains broader and more climate-friendly.


Germany and its partner countries are driving the energy transition forward together and are improving the energy supply.


The project supports BMWK in establishing and implementing partnerships in four areas of action:


A coordinating secretariat in Berlin and Eschborn together with 16 country secretariats support BMWK and the energy ministries in the cooperation countries in developing political dialogue on sustainable energy and foreign trade policy.

Climate neutrality

The project develops recommendations for policy-makers so that they can implement comprehensive energy and climate policy change.

Foreign trade relating to climate and energy

It integrates the perspectives of German and local companies to advise political decision-makers on improving investment conditions for climate protection technologies.

Security of supply

In close cooperation with decision-makers, the project contributes to securing the energy supply in Germany and the partner countries.

For women’s empowerment, the project also implements activities such as the Women Energize Women (#womenenergize) communication campaign, which empowers women energy experts and integrates their expertise.

Last update: May 2024

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